HOSANNA Organic Oleifena MORINGA Natural Organic 100% dan Halal Cheap

Moringa found primarily in sub-tropic, arid regions, Moringa Oleifera may be nature’s most giving plant. Chock full of nutrients, anti-oxidants, and vital proteins, Moringa is possibly the most amazing botanical ever studied.
Moringa has an impressive range of medicinal uses with high nutritional value. Different parts of this plant contain a profile of important minerals, and are a good source of protein, vitamins, beta-carotene, amino acids and various phenolics. The Moringa plant provides a rich and rare combination of zeatin, quercetin, beta-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid and kaempferol. In addition to its compelling water purifying powers and high nutritional value, Moringa oleifera is very important for its medicinal value.
Various parts of this plant such as the leaves, roots, seed, bark, fruit, flowers and immature pods act as cardiac and circulatory stimulants, possess antitumor, antipyretic, antiepileptic, antiinflammatory, antiulcer, antispasmodic, diuretic, antihypertensive, cholesterol lowering, antioxidant, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, antibacterial and antifungal activities, and are being employed for the treatment of different ailments in the indigenous system of medicine, particularly in South Asia.
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Unit | 25ml x30pk/box, 5 BOX OFFER |